synsgebyr og genudlejningsgebyr

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    • #13647
      Mari Dumitru

      We are not danish and had our first experience of renting an apartment with a contract in danish. We have terminated our lease and have received partly our money back. We have to pay for 3 things:
      1. “synsgebyr” 400 kr. (we know what this is about and it is stated in our contract) but when the inspection took place there was nobody qualified to inspect; our landlord gave it a general look and we signed a paper that it was in a good condition.
      2. “genudlejningsgebyr” 1000 kr. ( it is also stated in our contract). We gave a 3 months notice to our landlord however we had a mutual and verbal agreement over the phone that, if, they find somebody we can leave 1 month sooner. They did find somebody and we left after 2 months but now they still charged us for this fee which is very frustrating given our previous understanding.
      3.”10% af acontobeløb tilbageholt til forbrugsregnskab” 840 kr. This is a little strange because we can calculate our consumption easily and see if we need to pay something extra. The numbers are there. How can we make sure that they are fair in getting our money back?

      Total deposit: 15.900 Kr.
      Total fees: 2240 Kr.
      Money we’ve received: 13.660 Kr.

      What are our chances of getting our money back? Can we fight it, even though it’s in our contract?

      Please advise on this matter.

      Kind Regards,
      Mari Dumitru

    • #13648
      Jakob Lindberg

      Yes you can fight it.

      1) and 2): “Synsgebyr” and “genudlejningsgebyr”. Even if these two fees are stated in your contract, they are not legal. The reason for this is, that inspection of an appartment is a normal duty, that a landlord has to do. The payment for this is included in the normal rent, that you have payed already. Therefore a landlord cannot get extra payment for this piece of work.

      The same goes for “genudlejning” (re-renting). That is also a normal duty of a landlord, for which he cannot charge extra payment. The Supreme Court has explicitly decided that in a verdict.

      3) “10 %-acontobeløb..” This is maybe legal. Normally you cant calculate your consumption of heating, before the heating-period is over. The landlord is obliged to give you a “varmeregnskab” within 4 month of the termination of the heating-period (“varmeregnskabsperiode”). Normally this period ends at the 1. of June. If you have terminated your contract the 31. of december, he does’nt have to give you the “varmeregnskab” until the 30. of september.

      You can bring your case to the socalled “huslejenævn” (Rent Commission). Each municipality has a Rent Commission and the commission has the authority to decide conflicts like this and order your landlord to refund you the rest of your money.

      Kind regards, Jakob Lindberg

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