Stormskade roof flew off, do i have to pay for the damage inside the apartment?

Forsvar den omkostningsbestemte husleje! Forums Lejerbrevkassen Stormskade roof flew off, do i have to pay for the damage inside the apartment?

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    • #13434
      Maria 5170

      The roof of my living room blew off in the big storm last week. I am a lejer in this place and i have an inboforsikring.
      The foremand of the bestyrelse called me and told me he needs my insurance number, because i need to pay for the damage inside my apartment.

      I called my insurance and they said they only cover damage to by furniture etc,..but not the repair of the wet walls and ceiling etc.

      I heard that it is the houseinsurance that needs to pay, for both outside and inside damage on the building, right?

      Please let me know if i am covered…because i am only renting this place (and thanx god moving out next week!)

    • #13435
      Jakob Lindberg

      You are not responsible for any damage, that the storm might have done to the building, whether it is outside og inside the appartment. 

      You are only responsible for the damage to your own belongings. That is the reason why your indboforsikring will cover only the damage to your own belongings

      You are not obliged to give your insurancenumber to the foreman.

      They might try to deduct money for repairs, from your deposit after you have moved out. In that case it wille be a good idea, if you enlist as a member of a tenant organisation. You can find contact information of the local committees of Danmarks Lejerforeninger on this webside. Se “Lejerforeninger” above.

      Kind regards

      Jakob Lindberg









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