Returning the deposit and extra rent

Forsvar den omkostningsbestemte husleje! Forums Lejerbrevkassen Returning the deposit and extra rent

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    • #12099
      Ehsan 3713

      We are a small family living in Copenhagen. We rented an apartment and lived there for 8 months. We informed the landlord about our movement from apartment 2 month before leaving. Moreover, I got the case to the Husleje in Kommune for considering the rent size as we had a conflict with the landlord. The Husleje considered the rent size.The landlord was supposed to pay us back 21000 DKK. However, he not only paid the extra rent, but also he did not returned us the deposit (18000 DKK). I contacted with the husleje and they said that they can not help us anymore at this point. That means, our family have already lost 39000 DKK and have not been able to get it back. I have really stuck with the issue and have no idea what should I do.

      I would be grateful if some one can help me at this point.

    • #12100
      Jakob Lindberg

      I will suggest, that you contact Amager Lejerforening (The Tenants Association in Amager) and get advice from them.

      Yours, Jakob Lindberg


      Amager Lejerforening,

      Amager Fælledvej 4, (The shop)

      2300 København S

      Tlf. 32 95 54 92

      Opening hours: Tirsdag og torsdag kl. 16.30 – 18.30


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