Moving out

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    • #13924

      Dear Jakob,
      I hope you can help me (sorry for writing in English).

      At the end of the month we notified to the owner of the flat where we live that we want to move out, respecting the 3 months of notice.

      The owner (a real estate agency) told us that we have to pay for the full 3 months, BUT that we have to leave the flat 2 weeks before, so they can refresh the apartment.

      Is that allowed? Can they ask me to pay the full month but not allowing me to live there?

      Thank you in advance for your help,
      best regards


    • #13925
      Jakob Lindberg

      Dear Elisabetta

      The answer is, that it depends on your contract. If this special rule is written in your contract, you will be obliged to follow it.

      BUT: A contract can be invalid, and in such case you are only obliged to follow the rules in Lejeloven (Act on tenancy). I will advice you to enlist as a member of a local tenant organisation, ad get avice from them.

      Best regards


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