Interpreting Typeformular A, 8. udgave Contract

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    • #19557

      Hi, firstly apologies as I do not speak Danish very well yet so I will write in English!

      I was given a months notice by my landlord to leave (at the end of October). He has asked me to leave by 12:00 30th November, however the contract states the following:

      Uanset opsigelsesvarslets længde gælder det, at der siges
      op til den første hverdag i en måned, der ikke er dagen før
      en helligdag.
      Reglerne i lejeloven om udlejers opsigelse kan ikke aftales
      fraveget til skade for lejeren, før udlejeren har opsagt

      I take this to mean I do not have to be gone until the first itself (so lets say 12:00 on December first). Is my interpretation wrong? As I do not want to say anything until I am sure.

      Thankyou for your help. (A/8. contract, the type used).

    • #19572

      Thank you for your question.

      You are absolutely right about the date. The law demands notice to be given on the first weekday in the month, which is not the day before a holiday, according to the law’s § 36. However, by default the standard contract for renting an apartment cannot be terminated by the landlord, only by the tenant. So, in my opinion you may not have to move at all, because the landlord’s termination most likely is illegal.

      I will recommend you to seek legal guidance, or help, from the nearest
      tenant association.

      Best of luck to you.

      Venlig hilsen
      Martin G. Laursen

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