Housing contract advice

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Viser 1 svartråd
  • Forfatter
    • #13701
      Nina 5341

      We have recently been informed that our landlady is seeking to sell the apartment we currently live in. Given that we are not native Danes, and the contract is in Danish, we are slightly concerned that we are unaware of our right in this situation.

      For instance, our landlady told us, she would give us 3 months notice, but from our understanding she would have to give us 12 months notice. Therefor we are seeking some advice to clarify our legal position at this time.

      Besides that, we wanted to know if the three months notice we have to give still applies, if we find someone who is willing to take over the place for us.

      We were advised by our faculty counsellor at the University of Copenhagen to contact your organisation for advice.

      We are very grateful for any help you can give.

      Kind regards,

    • #13702
      Jakob Lindberg

      I cant give you an exact answer, without studying your contrakct. I wil advice you to go to our local committee in Amager and enlist as a member. show them your contract, and you will get the best advice.

      Amager Lejerforening

      Amager Fælledvej 4, butikken
      2300 København S
      Tlf. 32955492 
      Åbningstid: Tirsdag og torsdag kl. 16.30 – 18.30


      Kind regards Jakob Lindberg

Viser 1 svartråd

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