Deposit withdrawn for painting

Forsvar den omkostningsbestemte husleje! Forums Lejerbrevkassen Deposit withdrawn for painting

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    • #10181
      Dmitry 1760

      Hi! I moved out from apartment about 1.5 month ago. According to the contract walls are to be painted on moving out. But apartment was in a good condition so landlord told me he would try to rent it out without painting. But then he withdrew 6.250 DKK for walls painting and didn’t provide me any invoices. When I asked to send me an invoice he told me apartment was rented out already and he would paint it later in 5-6 months.

      So he didn’t return me full deposit and didn’t send me any papers. Does he have right to do it? How can I get my deposit back if it’s not legal?
      We didn’t sign any moving out report.

    • #10182
      Jakob Lindberg

      You can take the case to the Rent Commission (“Huslejenævnet”) in the municipality, where the apæærtment is situated. He did’nt send you an invoice within two weeks from the day you handed over the keys to your landlord. Because of that he has no right to withdraw the amount from your deposit.

      Yours, Jakob Lindberg

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