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Viser 1 svartråd
  • Forfatter
    • #10363
      Hanna 1951

      Is it normal to pay a deposit on the landlord’s private account and only get a receipt for the amount paid? What is the security that you get the money back after you moved out?

    • #10364
      Jakob Lindberg

      Yes, the procedure is normal i Denmark. The tenants security is based on § 7 in Lejeloven (Consolidation Act on Rent):

      7(1) Tenants’ rights under the provisions of this Act have validity without registration. The same shall apply to agreements providing for advance payment of rent, premium, deposit, etc., where the aggregate of such amounts does not exceed six months’ rent. On termination of the tenancy, any proceedings to enforce the tenant’s claims under the first and second sentences hereof shall be commenced within 12 months from the date of termination.

      This imlplies, that the present owner and all future owners will be obliged to pay back your deposit, when you move out. If they dont do that, You can make a complaint to “huslejenævnet” in the municipality where you live.

      I will advice you to enlist as a member of a local tenants organisation. Maybe you pay to much in rent.

      Yours, Jakob Lindberg


Viser 1 svartråd

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