bestyrelse restricts heat in apartment

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Viser 1 svartråd
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    • #12441

      I live in an apt on the top floor of a building, the building is ‘goverened’ by the bestyrelse of owners.
      A new pump for getting fernvaerme was installed last spring, and now turns out to be too weak to get heat into my apartment. It only allows enough pressure and heat when the pump runs ‘uneconomically’.
      My landlord (owner of my apt) has a hard time to get the bestyrelse to agree to turn on the pump on full power so that i get heat. he (and i) of course pay varmebidrag etc etc.
      Is the bestyrelse allowed to restrict the pump capacity in order to safe money for everyone else – and keep me freezing in my apartment?

    • #12442
      Jakob Lindberg

      No. You are entitled to at least 21 degree Celsius under normal weather conditions. You can sue yort landlord in order to get enough heat, and then he must sue the “ejerforening”.

      Another possibility is to make a complaint to the municipality. They have authority to force the “ejerforening” to fix the problem. Write a letter to the Director of the municipality (“Kommunaldirektør”). Ask him to take action with reference to the guidance (“Vejledning”) cited below:

      VEJ nr 47 af 27/06/2008. Vejledning om kommunernes mulighed for at gribe ind over for fugt og skimmelsvamp i boliger og opholdsrum

      Join a local tenants organisation, and get legal advice from them.

      Yours, Jakob Lindberg

Viser 1 svartråd

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