Forsvar den omkostningsbestemte husleje! › Forums › Lejerbrevkassen › Additional costs after inspection
Tagget: deposit; fraflytning
- Dette emne har 1 svar og 2 stemmer, og blev senest opdateret for 7 år, 4 måneder siden af
Jakob Lindberg.
20. oktober 2017 kl. 15:22 #18739
we have been renting a house for some years and moved recently out of the place. We took care of the place while living there and also after we moved all furniture. Once done we meet with our landlord and inspected with him together the house. We new here was some damage done to the wooden floor from watering some plants.
The damage to the wooden floor and a single corner in a kitchen cabinet that we forgot have been the only things of complain. Since our landlord wasn’t sure if parts of the wooden floor needed to be exchanged we asked him to consult the company that he wanted anyway to contract to sand the wooden floor, so he could come with an offer to repair the damage. We never got to know how much it would costs, or if there would been additional costs required to repair.
Now, several weeks later, and 20 days after our rental contract expired, we received a list of additional costs.:——————————————————-
Cleaning of all cabinets and oven 7 hours: 1.925,- dkk
Floor repair and exchange: 1.700,- dkk
Light sources: 600,- dkk
Cleaning of curtains and mounting in the living rooms + 5 hours: 2.675,- dkk
One new blind curtain: 800,- dkk
Garten and cleaning Terrace 20 hours + algae cleaning material: 5.500,- dkk
——————————————————-Considering the two complains during the inspection which have been justified, we are more tan surprised about the other additional costs.
The dirty spot in the kitchen cabinet was thoroughly cleaned y us the very same day of the inspection…About all the other things there hasn’t been any complain when we inspected the house with him. He was inspecting the whole house and the garden, there was no curtain that needed replacement, not a word about the terrace or dirty curtains… When we moved in we have been washing the curtains ourself, since we got them dirty.
My question: Is there anything we can do about these costs? We are simply bewildered that we are facing these additional costs, since we left the house as clean as it was when we got it and didn’t do any damage, other than the part on the wooden floor.
27. oktober 2017 kl. 21:20 #18742
Jakob Lindberg
I følge Lejeloven skal udlejeren følge en række procedurer, såfremt han vil gøre krav gældende over for lejeren ved fraflytning.
For eksempel skal han senest 14 dage efter fraflytningssynet sende den fraflyttende lejer et brev med angivelse af de istandsættelser, som han mener lejeren skal betale for. Gør han ikke det bortfalder hans krav.
Det ser ikke ud som om udlejeren har overholdt disse reglerJeg vil derfor anbefale dig, at du melder dig ind i Roskilde Lejerforening og får bistand til at kræve pengene tilbage
Roskilde Lejerforening
Skt. Peders Stræde 2, 1.
4000 Roskilde
Tlf. 46361819Åbningstid: Tirsdag og torsdag 19:00 – 21:00
Med venlig hilsen, Jakob Lindberg
Acording to the danish Rent Act there is some procedures, that a landlord must follow if he wants to make claims towards a tenant, when the tenant moves out.As an example he must – within 14 days from the day of the inspection of the apartment – send a letter to the tenant. In that letter he shall state the repairs, that the tenant should pay for. If he does not do that, the claims are invalid, and the tenant is not obliged to pay for them.
It seems to me, that your landlord did not follow these rules.I advice you to enlist in Roskilde Lejerforening. They can help you to get your money back
Roskilde Lejerforening
Skt. Peders Stræde 2, 1.
4000 Roskilde
Tlf. 46361819Open: Tuesdag og Thursday 19:00 – 21:00
Best regards, Jakob Lindberg
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